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  • 🎤 Randy Travis Sings Again Thanks to AI

🎤 Randy Travis Sings Again Thanks to AI

PLUS: Regain Time with YouTube AI “Jump Ahead” Feature

Hello, fellow nerds 🧙

Counter-Strike Professional team documentary? Yes, please! SK Gaming: The Journey was released in 2018 but somehow as degenerates, we’ve never heard of it. Check it out for free on YouTube!

Here’s the daily quests in AI to complete today:
  • 🎤 Randy Travis Sings Again Thanks to AI

  • ⏩️ Regain Time with YouTube AI “Jump Ahead”

  • 🧠 Tuesday Trivia

  • 🧙 Yer a Wizard, Harry

Randy Travis Sings Again Thanks to AI

Y’all know who Randy Travis is, right? If you don’t, we’re talking about one of the classic country music icons of the 80’s here. Now what’s crazy, and we didn’t know this, he apparently had a stroke in 2013 that left him unable to sing or even speak properly.

But thanks to AI, Randy has just released his first real single in over a decade. It’s called “Where I Come From”, and it was produced by training an AI model with isolated tracks of Randy’s vocals. To make the audio even more authentic, his buddy and fellow country singer James DuPre lent his voice to be transformed into Randy’s infamous baritone sound.

As far as AI generated music goes, Randy and his team knocked it outta the park. And by far, this is one of the best quality AI songs we’ve heard so far. If you didn’t know AI had a hand in this, there’s no way you could tell. It’s that good.

Now, we’re not huge country fans, but not gonna lie this song just feels like a classic. Give it a listen:

Regain Time with YouTube AI “Jump Ahead” Feature

Hallelujah! YouTube is utilizing AI by analyzing community “watch” data to understand where the juicy bits of a video are. It’s sort of like jumping from one highlight to another in the same video while skipping all of the boring stuff.

YouTube Jump Ahed Button

Jump Ahead Button in Bottom Right

When a video is called “Grandma’s Two Ingredient Bread You’ll Die For” I expect it to cut to the chase and get to the juicy bits immediately cuz we all know if Grandma’s recipe was on a blog, we’d scan the pictures then skip directly to the recipe.

Deep Dive: YouTube’s History of Giving You Control
But with video, it’s been more complicated. Slowly, YouTube has added features to save you time, perk your interest and ultimately keep you watching.

  • Double tap the left or right side of the screen on your mobile app to skip 10 seconds ahead or behind in a video

  • Chapter Labels - Watch sections you’re interested in by skipping to specific chapters

  • Timeline - Click and drag on a video timeline (seek bar) so you can see where viewers tend to watch more or less of a video

Want Access? Exclusive to YouTube Premium and Android Only, For Now 😢 
The “Jump Ahead” feature is currently only available for YouTube Premium subscribers on Android BUT good things come to those who wait.

To Turn it On:
Go to your YouTube for Android > Settings > Try experimental new features.

🧠 Tuesday Trivia

A little brain treat for ya.

In 2018, Google’s AlphaZero defeated the world’s best player in what game?

Hint: Uses Pieces

(Answer at the bottom)

🤗 Daily Delight

Just something fun and interesting around the web.

If you’ve ever wanted to feel what it’s like to be selected by Hogwarts because you’re one kickass wizard, slap on an Apple Vision Pro. This is only a teaser from one scene, but the immersion for movies is gonna get insane.

What’s happening inside the Realm

A list of side quests to explore and more.

That’s all the quests we have for today. Check back tomorrow for more!

Trivia Answer: It was chess, and AlphaZero only needed a few hours of practice to beat Shogi, who was the world’s best player at the time.

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